Student Research

Recently Advised Theses and Dissertations:

The Art of Roman Food from Farm to Table

The Athena Parthenos at Pergamon, Identity, and Display

Egyptian Imagery in the Roman Wall-painting Isiac Ritual Worship from Herculaneum

Enslaved Perspectives on the Grave Stele of Hegeso at Athens

The Ninnion Tablet and Women’s Dedications in the Eleusinian Mysteries

The Venus de Milo, Archaeogaming, and the Japanese Video Game Site La Mulana

Viewing Greek and Roman Elements in Augustus’s Actium Monument at Nikopolis

My students have won departmental book awards and departmental, college, and university travel funding, and they have presented their research at the following conferences:

Annual Meeting of the American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies

Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America

Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest

Art History Student Association Graduate Research Symposium, University of Oregon

Collage Art Colloquium, Agnes Scott College

Graduate Student Research Forum, University of Oregon

National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Northwest Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient World, Willamette University

Southeastern College Art Conference

Symposium of Student Scholars, Kennesaw State University

Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Oregon

Please click here for information about presenting undergraduate research at the University of Oregon.

Please click here for information about presenting graduate research at the University of Oregon.